
/Wishoo Interactive

About Wishoo Interactive

Founded in May of 2000, Wishoo has served the event marketing industry with innovative ways of engaging consumers and capturing data at events. Our unique blend of marketing experience and technological expertise continues to make Wishoo a fixture within the event marketing industry.

Wishoo takes part in Target's Reading Across America Program

Each year, Target supports NEA's Read Across America and celebrate Dr. Seuss' birthday with in-store events like Dr. Seuss Storytime. Wishoo was on hand at events in NYC, Washington D.C. and Dallas featuring our EventPack platform taking photos with a themed backdrop and immediately printing a branded, take-away souvenir of the event. To learn more, [...]

By |2018-02-28T10:04:16+00:00March 1st, 2011|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Wishoo takes part in Target's Reading Across America Program

Wishoo is Green in Indy

This weekend (April 1 -5) Wishoo is making basketball fans final four winners! Wishoo's green screen technology is in full display during the NCAA® Bracket Town® festivities during the Final Four. After having their photo taken, fans can choose to be inserted into any one of the four finalists team photos. Wishoo has 4 stations [...]

By |2018-04-16T03:49:12+00:00April 1st, 2010|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Wishoo is Green in Indy

Wishoo and Meet the Oscars

It’s Oscar season - find us in Chicago or NYC and cast your vote for Best Actor, Actress and Best Picture! Wishoo is happy to once again be part of Meet the Oscars. Wishoo is activating 4 mobile data collection units that allow participants in Chicago and New York to vote for their favorite in [...]

By |2018-04-16T03:49:14+00:00February 26th, 2010|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Wishoo and Meet the Oscars

About Wishoo

Founded in May of 2000, Wishoo has served the event marketing industry with innovative ways of engaging consumers and capturing data at events. Our unique blend of marketing experience and technological expertise continues to make Wishoo a fixture within the event marketing industry.

Contact Wishoo

Phone: 888-950-2787

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